Business Funding Made Simple
International Association of Commercial Finance Brokers
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Become an IACFB PAL Agent

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An Exciting NEW and Lucrative Home Based Career. Become a PAL!
As a nationwide source of alternative commercial finance for America’s small business owners, IACFB supports an expansive network of highly trained agents (PALs) that can meet with and provide our financial services in cities nationwide. If you are interested in learning more and considering joining our team, take a few moments to learn more at our IACFB Academy and our PAL Program Training Center. Become an IACFB member and download out FREE 200+ page training guide. It will provide you with everything you’ll need to take the first step to becoming a PAL at IACFB.
Sites / Locations Are Going Up. Find Out If Your City Is Available For Our Program
- Birmingham
- Montgomery
- Mobile
- Huntsville
- Tuscaloosa
- Hoover
- Anchorage
- Phoenix
- Tucson
- Mesa
- Chandler
- Glendale
- Scottsdale
- Gilbert
- Tempe
- Peoria
- Little Rock
- Fort Worth
- Fayetteville
- Springdale
- Jonesboro
- Los Angeles
- San Diego
- San Jose
- San Francisco
- Fresno
- Sacramento
- Long Beach
- Oakland
- Bakersfield
- Anaheim
- Santa Anna
- Bakersfield
- Riverside
- Stockton
- Chula Vista
- Fremont
- Irving
- Modesto
- Oxnard
- Denver
- Colorado Springs
- Aurora
- Fort Collins
- Lakewood
- Thornton
- Pueblo
- Bridgeport
- New Haven
- Hartford
- Stamford
- Waterbury
- Norwalk
- Danbury
- Wilmington
- Washington DC
- Jacksonville
- Miami
- Tampa
- St. Petersburg
- Orlando
- Hialeah
- Tallahassee
- Fort Lauderdale
- Port St. Lucie
- Gainesville
- Clearwater
- Bradenton
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- Boca Raton
- Atlanta
- August – Richmond
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- Nampa
- Meridian
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- Aurora
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- Naperville
- Springfield
- Elgin
- Peoria
- Indianapolis
- Fort Wayne
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- Davenport
- Souix City
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- Kansas City
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- Bedford
- New Orleans
- Baton Rouge
- Shreveport
- Lafayette
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- Worcester
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- Cambridge
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- Grand Rapids
- Warren
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- St. Paul
- Rochester
- Duluth
- Jackson
- Gulfport
- Kansas City
- St. Louis
- Springfield
- Independence
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- Missoula
- Nebraska
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- Sparks
- Manchester
- Nashua
- Newark
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- Elizabeth
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- Buffalo
- Rochester
- Yonkers
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- Winston-Salem
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- Norman
- Broker Arrow
- Portland
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- Gresham
- Hillsboro
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- West Jordon
- Orem
- Sandy
- Ogden
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- Seattle
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- Everett
- Kent
- Yakima
- Renton
- Charleston
- Milwaukee
- Madison
- Green Bay
- Kenosha
- Racine
- Appleton
- Wauke3sha
- Cheyenne
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